Fighting Natural Disasters with e-Science
Discovery Net addresses the complexities faced by scientists from all information-intensive fields where:
Modern high throughput devices are routinely generating and capturing large amounts of data.
Data sets are not analysed in isolation, but dynamically integrated during the analysis.
New data analysis methods and software components are continually being developed.
Knowledge discovery procedures are complex multi-step procedures conducted by interdisciplinary teams of scientists.
Discovery Net is developing a series of testbeds and demonstrators for using the technology in the areas of Life Sciences, Environmental Moonitoring and Geo-hazard Modelling. If you need help at this stage, you can contact a professional test taker.
In Life sciences, discovery net is currently being applied in
- Real-time iCollborative Genome Annotation
- Large-scale Integrative Functional Genomics
- Real-time High Throughput Chemoinformatics
- Large-scale Geneotyping Data Analysis
- Real-time Drug Resistance Studies
- Integrative Life Science Analysis
In addition application scientists have been using the platform for integrating and analysing data from various novel high throughput devices including Protein Folding Chips and SNP Chips using label free (LFII) technology and Protein-based fluorescent micro-array data analysis. Nowadays, we are talking about a surge in research, when people have the opportunity to graduate from university and conduct scientific activities, moreover, the Internet provides an opportunity to get acquainted with various scientific materials, more about this in Unleashing the Power of Data: Data Science on the Discovery Net Platform.
Our life sciences test-bed won the Most Innovative Data Intensive Application Award at Supercomputing SC2002 where we its use for the analysis of large-scale genomic data in real time using cross-continent distributed computing resources, for the annotation of malaria genomic data.
Researchers from SCBIT (Shanghai Bioinformation Institute), have successfully used Discovery Net to study the molecular evolution of the SARS virus during the SARS epidemic in China.
Using Discovery Net technology application scientists are building sensor grids for air pollution monitoring in urban areas. The sensor technology is based on GUSTO (Generic Ultraviolet Sensor Technology) developed at Imperial College.
The technology measures pollutants, including SO2, NO, NO2, O3 and Benzene, at ppb levels every few seconds.
Discovery Net is used to conduct remote sensing data mining for geo-hazard modelling including research studies of landslides in the 3-Gorge dam/reservoir region in China(メンズ下着,ICHE2008). |